The new term has started, actually 2 weeks ago, but today I have the first time real time to post this first blog. This following post was basically the homework for last week, but I did not have time (as mentioned), so I simply do it today.
So here the first part, firstly I also did an "Ethical Orientation questionnaire" [], that Martin gave us for homework and to comment it. The quiz asks questions after certain situations in life, how I would react.
Questions e.g. are
1. Which is worse?
hurting someone's feelings by telling the truth
telling a lie and protecting their feelings
2. Which is the worse mistake?
to make exceptions too freely
to apply rules too rigidly
3. Which is it worse to be?
The quiz differentiates between the Ethic of Justic and the Ethic of care, and here is now my result.
C Score: 7 J Score: 2
The description for each "Ethic" is:
Ethic of Justice:
People who prefer this style see ethical dilemmas as involving primarily a conflict of rights that can be solved by the impartial application of some general principlePeople with this style try to be objective and fair, hoping to make a decision according to some standard that's "higher" than any specific individual's interests. The disadvantage of this approach is that people who rely on it might lose sight of the immediate interests of particular individuals
Ethic of care:
An "ethic of care or responsibility" is founded on a sense of responsibility to reduce actual harm or suffering. For these people, moral dilemmas generally involve a conflict of duties or responsibilities
My Opinion:
The result is quite true, that I more often pay attention to peoples attitude or the problem of human, instead of reacting after rules or laws. For me the human is more important than any rules, but honestly: Since a very long time, I cannot remember that I ever faced rules without any doubt or negativ touch!
But on the other hand:
The test has 10 questions, I am also not very sure, if this qualifies the test to final result on this topic -- if someone is more ethica in justice or care...
Freitag, 21. September 2007
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