Samstag, 19. Mai 2007

Review of another English lesson

Here now a short overview of our English lesson:

Bob had a wonderful and good presentation of how creating questions in English;

The short question: Who are those people?
changing that in a long question, the verb and nound is switched: I do not know, who those people are!

Within this presentation, one big question popped up: The behaviour of the reported speech. One important fact there exists: if one sentence is written down as a direct speech, the reported speech is always one tense back.

Which means normally:
Clara says "I leave now" --> reported speech: Clara said, that she left. But I know, that there is another rule, when the reported speech is in the same tense, than the direct speech. I will look that up and post it here as well then.

Then we reviewed a text out of the chapter "Trade" with the topic "fair trade"!

A few new vocabulary we also did, I repeat them here:
Application forms:
  • incomplete --> e.g. the formular filled out is inclompete
  • unclompete --> e.g. my picture is unclompete -- or also unfinished
  • blank --> e.g. the piece of paper is blank
  • empty --> e.g. my purse is empty
  • unfinished --> e.g. the test is unfinished, because I was running out of time

the difference between
tariff --> in conclusion with money
quota --> the amount of something

other Vocabulary:
commodity --> the exact translation is "Rohstoff"

prosperity --> "Wohlstand" and the adjectiv is: "to be prosperess"
poverty --> "Armut"

If two people meet and one says " I haven't seen you for a long time, you got prosperess", in this context, it means: that someony got a bigger belly! Funny expression, and I will defenitely remember that!

After that we got the homework for the next time:
p. 85/A,B

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