At the beginning Martin checked, if everybody has bought his books, where everybody will write the phrases and vocabularies and all interesting things, that we do in class, into it. Interesting fact is, that everybody got his/her books, including me, because I always have my Kollegblock with me, and at home I collect them in a map. Roland even though plans to buy 4 books, to write in one the vocabularies, in the other the grammar parts, into the third the phrases etc.
What we did today:
- started a new chapter: Employment.
- 1st exercise: (out of a list in English book) find the most important points for getting a job (like: experience, qualification, references etc.). My group chose experience, qualification, personality, appearance and references.
At the moment Martin wrote the meaning of to rank on the board, everybody took their books and wrote the vocabulary in it. I guess Roland has started then his vocabulary book today (by the
destiny, that a a vocabulary was discussed first), and now he has to buy another book for grammar
and phrases! :-)
- 2nd exercise: we joined in groups of two people and need to find out and discuss the best/worst job, the best/worst boss, the best/worst colleague etc..
- Weekly Presentation:
good presentation and very well prepared -- especially because Christian handed out a
Summarize of his presentation paper. The presentation was good – probably Christian
would say, that it was not so good – but I officially state here: It was good.
- Thoughts to the topic speaking English:
- As I wrote in my last reflection, I also had my presentation of the topic “countries, nationalities and language”. My feeling was that Martin expected a short presentation, with the main information, that words in combination with countries or nationalities always have capital letters at the beginning. But because the chapter in vocabulary in use covered more information, my presentation got longer. That is also the reason, why I did not feel comfortable in front of the class any more, then I also reduced the presentation content to finish earlier and summarizing, I am not satisfied with the presentation, because it was not so well. But in any case: This main information (capital letters) reached the class. But I also think, that I could put the usage of words with countries and nationalities a little bit across!
- At the end the homework: p. 78 --> A,B,C
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