Sonntag, 18. März 2007

remembering last lessson and RSS Feed

Yesterday we had another English lesson, and 3 things we all shall do until the next english lesson:

  • Post on Miriams blog my blog-url --> I have done that already in the course after english :-)
  • summarize, what I can remember of the last lesson --> see below the comment to that
  • check the RSS Feed function --> see below the comment to that
What can I remember of yesterday?
First of all I had to present one Unit out of our English books of a former homework. Reason for that was, that this homework contained many units of these English books and it was too much for doing it in one week and so our teacher Martin Gilbert gave me (as the first person) one Unit to choose and to present it to the others in the next lesson. And this was yesterday! I choosed Suffixes for abstract nouns, and the presentation ran quite good, altough before I was a little nervous (I have never done an english presentation before).

Then we had a group advertising presentation for a product, what the group had chosen -- my group choosed a parfum -- and the presentation by Roland (who played the role of the director for the TV Spot) was funny! This is now difficult to write down, because it was a typical humorous Situation, but still, I mention it here, because I can remember the situation quite good!

Afterwards we did a little vocab test, and got again homework, which is always the sadest part of the lesson! ;-)

RSS Feed
Martin gave a little more of information about RSS Feed (what it is and where he assumes, that I can follow those RSS Feeds). Martin now also joined the group, who has to collect informations regarding RSS Feeds for all of our class. But I was noisy -- and tried it also now at home -- and subscribed myself to RSS Feeds at each Blog I know from my collegues. And now I see in my internet explorer at a cathegory "RSS Feeds" the URLs of the blogs by my collegues, and see new posts. What I do not see, are new posted comments. And furthermore: I only see this RSS Feed cathegory in the internet explorer, but not in Mozialla or in the Outlook (which should be possible, if I remember correctly). I do not know, if I really use now the complete RSS Feed functionality, but at least I can see something, which is pronounced as RSS Feed!

So lets wait until our next lesson, what the RSS Feed - group, finds out -- and if I need to do anything else!

Preparing this presentation I was surfing the internet regarding internet links for english grammar and vocabs, and found a quite good link for grammar and Vocabs. It has really good grammar describtions and comparisons between "times", good vocab describtions and additional tests and exercices. I post this link here: maybe somebody can use it in addition to our grammar and vocab books!

Samstag, 17. März 2007

watching "how I met your mother"

Yesterday I watched the serial "how I met your mother" in english; I tried this serial and exactly the same episode a few weeks ago, and, again, yesterday I had exactly the same feeling: very nice to watch and very nice people! But what did they say?

Oh, I am sorry, I can remember one expression: "spectacles", which I heard the last time years ago... Nowadays I always hear the word "glasses" -- funny, how a word can be pushed away from the daily use!

And the rest of those remaining 29 minutes and 30 seconds (how long the episodes runs), I kept watching those nice people...

So summarizing of this adventure: The serial "How I met your mother" is a really hard on english, but seems to be funny, if I watch a native-speaker watching this serial.. but so far: I cannot judge! Honestly: I have already watched several serials and movies before in english, and there are definitely differences in watching english tv or movies (dialect and speed are for me the main points) -- this serial is definitely a quite difficult one. During the last english course on the FH I heard a very good idea by a shool colleague: He watches english movies or tv with ENGLISH subtitles, which means -- you can follow the english words, but what you cannot understand, you can also read the words below.

So for the next time: I will try this plan for my favourite episode of "how I met your mother" -- and lets see, if finally I will understand this period, after the 3rd time!

Sonntag, 11. März 2007

starting on

Actually I should have learned today; and I should have also learned yesterday; But I had a birthday party yesterday (not mine), which I organised, and the plan to start learning at lunch got crossed by my consumption of alcohol yesterday, and I definitly slept until 3 o clock. And until an hour ago I was simply too tired to start learning. Now I was walking around in my appartment, stopped once in a while at my desk, looking into the books, but the hapiness of really starting learning did not appear and finally I landed up here, in front of my pc and started to create my own blog. The only fact, which reduces my breakdown on the plan of learning, is that I should create my own blog for the english course on my Fachhochschule.

So at least, I can summarize, that I have done something for the FH during the weekend! I end up now this first entry, and lets see what follows -- maybe, afterwards, when I start again my walk through the appartment, I end up on my desk and risk another look into the books!

Let's cross the fingers!